Friday, May 31, 2013

Octave-forge package "incomplete-factorization"

1. Approach "Interfacing ITSOL"

Currently I plan to do something like this and started to work on an cloned SVN repository from octave -forge:

2. Approach "Stand-alone implementations"

A few hours ago I got an offer by Yousef Saad and Ruipeng Li to obtain stand-alone implementations of several incomplete factorizations.

I would favor to refactor them to native Octave data types internally and make them directly available as *.oct files for usage. By interfacing the ITSOL library I think there will be a too big memory and time overhead due to data format conversion.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


My name is Kai Torben Ohlhus (aka Siko1056) and this blog is intended to talk about my work on GNU/Octave for this years Google Summer of Code.

Further information about me and my GSoC project you can find within the following links:

Thank you for reading.